


这是一个提醒,北阿肯色大学董事会将于周四亲自开会, 5月11日th  下午3点.m. 在JPH会议中心.




  • 财务报道- Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale


  • 四月定期会议纪要
  • Replacement Position: 教育人才寻访 Academic Advisor (grant funded)
  • Replacement position: PN Program 教师
  • 修改政策:留校察看
  • New position title: 职业生涯路径 Initiative (grant program)
  • Provisional Position Continuations 2023-2024

监测报告 - 扩大 Workforce Education/Training - David Mason


根据《ag娱乐官网》25-19-106 (c)(1),行政会议仅允许用于考虑就业的目的, 任命, 促销活动, 降级, 管教, or resignation of any public officer or employee.


  • 2023-2024财年拟议预算
  • FY 2023-3024 Proposed 学费 and Fee Rates
  • HVAC Projects - CARES Funding Reallocation






The ag娱乐官网 Board ofTrustees met in regular session on Thursday, 13, 2023年5月在JPH会议中心. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 受托人PamHenry, 琳达举杯祝酒, 黛比·约翰逊, 凯文•谢利, 路加福音Feighert, 莎拉·纽曼,没有汤姆林森, 斯科特·米勒也出席了.

ag娱乐官网 personnelattending included Richard Stipe, Dr. 罗德尼·阿诺德,乔·亚当斯博士. 里克Massengale, Ryan Hoffman, Brandon Cone, MelissaBray, Nell Bonds, Dr. 马特·卡丹博士. 劳拉·贝瑞,凯尔西·洛厄里,克里斯·格林宁,鲍比·霍华德,米奇·萨默斯,塔文达·布朗博士.  大卫·梅森,嘉宾,杰森·佩兴斯.



Chair McNew asked if there were anychanges to the agenda as presented. There being none, the agenda was approved.



财务报告- richard Stipe分享&G and Auxiliary budget activities through April 2023.

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated total revenue for the month was $1,141,252, 今年迄今为止是15美元,064,887. 当月的支出为1,267,708美元,年初至今的支出为13,291,588美元. Mr. 斯蒂普说,通常情况下,该学院在最后几个月将有大约2%的预算收入. 他说,由于比过去更快地获得了国家资助,我们的收入略有领先. He said he believes we will be in good standing at the year-end.

辅助:本月的收入为234,281美元,年初至今的总收入为1,767,900美元. 本月总支出为118 562美元,年初至今总支出为1 738 996美元. Mr. 斯蒂普说,随着大学烧烤店夏季关闭,辅助学校的活动正在逐渐减少, but we will have some movement through the summer.


总统发表. Massengale spoke about the revised policy, 留校察看, 并指出,我们将在未来的董事会会议上提出任何新的或修订的指导方针. He mentioned the NTC luncheon/partnership and national signing day. Dr. Massengale said it's all about celebrating the students. 他感谢NARMC将救护车捐赠给我们的EMS项目,并感谢castle Graphics的定制包装. He congratulated Construction Technology student Gavin Ray, 最近被评为马尔科工具班的年度最佳学生.

他说,能够庆祝我们毕业生的成就是一种荣幸. 北达科他州暖通空调学院的学生协助北达科他州维修部更换了南校区的几台空调设备. Dr. Massengale said these students are learning and being part of projects. 他邀请所有人在2023年5月22日星期一报名参加2023年慈善高尔夫锦标赛.





Replacement positions: 教育人才寻访 AcademicAdvisor (grant funded, PN Program 教师 Revised policy: 留校察看

New position title- 职业生涯路径 Initiative (grantprogram)

Provisional position continuations 2023-2024

Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. 受托人亨利提出动议,受托人约翰逊附议,一致通过.


Dr. David Mason presented the monitoring report, 扩大 workforce education/training. He highlighted divisional objectives, 3.3.1establishing new workforce training programs, and 3.3.2 ensuring sufficient budget resources for existing workforce programs. He mentioned Wabash as an engaged partner of ag娱乐官网. We have provided AC/DC fluid power training to thirteen of their employees, and they received a certificate at the end of the training. Maintenance training was provided to five employees of Wabash, and we expect three to four attendees to go through the program.

Dr. 梅森说,他们已经完成了三轮电弧闪光电气安全培训. 他说,需求量很大,我们将在夏末或秋季再提供一次培训. Dr. Mason提到,我们已经与Pace Industries合作,并提供了一级和二级工具培训. He congratulated the participants who completed the training. Be Pro Be Proud was brought to Marshall, Harrison, and South campus at ag娱乐官网. He said it exceeded his expectations with over 300 students.

Dr. Mason mentioned a partnership with the transfer. We received five virtual headsets that feature simulations in several occupations, 比如Diesel, 航空维修, 汽车, 电气施工, 和医疗. 他说,我们正在努力向学生们播下种子,向他们展示北卡罗来纳大学提供了什么,以及作为一种职业. Dr. 梅森说,从2022年10月到2023年3月,超过500人经历了模拟. He stated robotics specialist and robotic safety was the top choice of students. 受托人米勒询问虚拟耳机是否符合兴趣领域的细分. Dr. Mason said that students choose which simulator they want to experience, and robotics specialist and safety was the top choice.

展望未来, PLC), 可编程控制器系统, 已被我们的工业企业要求,并将在2023年夏末提供. 他说,我们正在研究制造解决方案,以开发和提供领导力课程. John Levy will offer FANUC training at the North campus in May and June 2023. 他提到可能与美国钢铁公司合作,为发那科和CNC提供培训.

Dr. Mason spoke Manufacturing Skill Standards Council, MSSC, 并与阿肯色州社区矫正中心合作,试行提供制造业培训的项目. 他说,该项目需要4-6个月才能完成,给了惩教系统中的个人第二次机会. 他讨论了该计划的流程和规则,并指出该计划完全由WOIA资助.Trustee Miller asked if we are working with locals. 他说是的,我们正在和当地合作. Trustee Johnson asked about Calico Rock. He said it is not limited to state facilities; they have been the only ones to show interest. He said he wants to reach out to as many facilities as possible.

Dr. 梅森请杰森·佩兴斯谈谈他与我们的合作伙伴关系和员工的经历. Mr. Patience told some about his job history. He wanted to be fruitful in his work but was not college-bound then. 他说,沃巴什希望为学生和员工提供制造领域的经验. 他说,他们在过去的15年里获得了技术上的进步,并且有一些聪明的人让员工了解设备. 然而, 他们没有人来做操作工作继续对设备和不断变化的技术进行培训. Mr. Patience said he began to work with Dr. 梅森几年前. He offered everything that Wabash wanted for their employees. 他说,通过大学和劳动力,他们获得了所需的项目和培训. Mr. 佩兴斯说,参加这个项目的人对他们学到的知识感到兴奋, which will help them with their careers. 受托人米勒说了一切. Mason said is much appreciated and favorable.


The board adjourned into an executive session at 4:42 p.m. 来讨论总统的合同. A motion was made by Trustee Feighertand seconded by Trustee Miller to adjourn. 没有采取任何行动. 回来后,受托人约翰逊提议重新开会,受托人认捐员附议. Trustee Henry said the board would like to extend Dr. Massengale的合同为一年. The board of trustees proposed to revisit the salary inFall 2023. Trustee Henry motioned to accept the extension of Dr. Massengale’ scontract and postpone the decision on salary until Fall 2023. 受托人约翰逊表示赞同.


2023-2024财年学杂费费率- Richard Stipe said there is no additional information, and everything in the packet was discussed during the Board budget session. Trustee Newman commented that if enrollment increases, it is considered to give a raise to all employees. ChairMcNew asked for a motion to approve the 学费, Fee rates. 理事费耶特提出动议,理事谢里附议,一致通过.

FY 2023-2024 Proposed Operational and CapitalBudget- Richard Stipe said there is no additional information, 在董事会预算会议和发给每个受托人的讲义中,包里的所有内容都进行了讨论. Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the Operational and Capital budget. 受托人米勒提出动议,受托人宣誓人附议,一致通过.

HVAC Projects—CARES Funding Reallocation- Richard Stipe said two projects are taking place. He said the heating and air projectis finished, but we have not made the last payment to Johnson Controls. 另一个项目:汽车空调,应在未来几个月内完成. 他说,由于我们的CARES资助即将结束,我们还有一些资金可以使用. 完成CARES基金, we need to identify eligible capital spending to spend it on, 或者我们需要在6月份的立法机构审查程序之前回到小石城,要求重新分配资金,将资金用于不同的类别. 他说,通过做出这种改变, 我们可以把CARES的资金和项目结清,手头有更多的资本资金. He noted there is a net zero change with the projects.

McNew主席要求动议批准暖通空调项目- CARES资金重新分配. 受托人亨利提出动议,受托人米勒附议,一致通过.


With no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m.

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